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Heritage sheep data base





Schoonebeek   EFABIS Data


International Name


Local Name



Northeast Netherlands

Breeding females



Trend of population size


Flock book established



Origin – history

The Schoonebeek originates most likely from the Bentheimer sheep that was kept on heathland just across the border in Germany. The Schoonebeek turned out to be economically more interesting than old heath sheep breeds by the time fertilizers were introduced. Because of the fertilizers, the poor heathland became more fertile and the Schoonebeek is more productive than the old heath sheep breeds, because it is slightly bigger and a well-meated sheep. However, by now, the Schoonebeek is displaced by other modern breeds that are again more productive.


Breed description

The Schoonebeek is multicoloured, black, brown, yellow and white, with black spots including on the head. They may be unicoloured brownish black as well. They have a long tail and are polled. The Schoonebeek is managed by transhumance, adapted to extensive conditions, with total grazing. Housing is provided up to 2 months in the year. Historically, the Schoonebeek were used for the management of heath fields and production of manure. Now, the breed is mainly used for conservation grazing, although meat and wool products are also valuable. In comparison to the Dutch Texel the Schoonebeek is higher in wool fibre thickness.


Conservation activities

Conservation measures currently involve 2 flocks with 8 reproducing males providing semen for artificial insemination.
Cryopreservation of semen: 1,096 doses (of 10 rams)


Name: Nederlandse Fokkersvereniging het Drentse Heideschaap
Contact Person: R.J. Brummel
Address: Westerkampen 30a
Postal code and city: 7722 TK Dalfsen,
Country: The Netherlands
E-mail: nfdh_secretaris@hetnet.nl 
Website: www.drentsheideschaap.nl  (in Dutch only)

Action Heritage Sheep AGRI GEN RES 040 receives financial support from the European Commission, Genetic Resources in Agriculture, under European Commission Council Regulation (EC) No 870/2004 AGRI GEN RES 2006 HERITAGE SHEEP